Ritual Anointing Oils
Ritual Anointing Oils
Ritual Anointing Oils
Ritual Anointing Oils
Ritual Anointing Oils
Ritual Anointing Oils

Ritual Anointing Oils

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Anointed: Charged and infused for a full lunar cycle, our anointing oil is meant to be used in daily rituals, ceremonies, or prayer. The blend of herbs in this oil are associated with protection, healing, wisdom, spiritual strength, clearing blockages, and abundance. It carries the soft scent of the herbs it's infused with, blended with lavender, blood orange, and vanilla. Ingredients: grape seed oil infused with cypress*, juniper*, white pine*, calendula², tulsi², cleavers*, lavender², orange peel², frankincense, essential oil blend. ²organic

The Witching Hour: is the time of night (or early morning) when the veil between our world and the spirit world is traditionally thought to be the thinnest. It was created to offer protection, strength, and connection as you engage in ritual or other types of sacred work. This sacred ritual oil is meant to be used in daily devotion, ritual, ceremony, or prayer. It can be applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, dress candles, or added to a bath. It carries the soft scent of the herbs it's infused with, blended with lavender, vanilla, spearmint, juniper, and sage. 1 fl oz Ingredients: grape seed oil infused with mugwort*, wormwood², rosemary², lavender², elder flower², oak bark*, nettle root², cypress*, hawthorn*, rue², essential oil blend, fragrance ²organic *harvested by us Our products are intentionally & thoughtfully created as tools to inspire those who are on a witchcraft or spiritual journey and can be used during rituals, spells, manifestation or prayer.

Attraction: Charged and infused with herbs & crystals for 3 nights, while the moon is at its fullest stage. Full moon energy is perfect for manifesting passion, love, strength, power, and abundance. This sacred ritual oil is meant to be used in daily devotion, ritual, ceremony, or prayer. It can be applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, dress candles, or added to a bath. It carries the scent of the herbs it's infused with, blended with dragon's blood, blood orange, and vanilla. Infused with wild rose,* juniper*, tulsi (holy basil)², lavender², calendula², dandelion*, rosemary², catnip², and alkanet root², mica (skin safe)

Hecate Sacred Ritual: Hecate - goddess of the crossroads & the dark moon....of the underworld, and of magic...goddess of the night. Hecate is the protector of witches, helping us when paths converge or intersect. She's associated with crossroads, doors, thresholds and hedges. Charged and infused with herbs & crystals for 3 days, when the moon is at its darkest. This sacred ritual oil is meant to be used in daily devotion, ritual, ceremony, or prayer. It can be applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, dress candles, or added to a bath. Scented with an intoxicating blend of dragon's blood and amyris, with notes of red currants and fig.

Road Opener: Road opener oil helps us when we're feeling challenged, stagnant or blocked. It's designed to help remove obstacles and open doors, making way for new opportunities and success. Charged and infused with herbs & crystals during the waxing moon, as it progresses toward fullness. This sacred ritual oil is meant to be used in daily devotion, ritual, ceremony or prayer. It can be applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, dress candles, or added to a bath. It carries the soft scent of the herbs it's infused with, blended with lemon, rosemary and lavender. 1 fl oz Ingredients: grape seed oil infused with boneset, motherwort², rue², rosehips*, lemon verbena², peppermint*, yarrow*, rosemary², sandalwood², citrine, essential oil blend, fragrance ²organic *harvested by us

Shadow Work: Shadow work is the practice of going deeper, to find the parts of ourselves that we've lost, to help integrate them into ourselves, and to heal past traumas. This oil has been charged and infused with herbs for a full lunar cycle, bringing in the moon's energy in all its phases, so that it can help us heal through all of our phases. This sacred ritual oil is meant to be used during daily devotion, ritual, ceremony, or prayer. It can be applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, dress candles, or added to a bath. This oil carries the intoxicating scent of dragon's blood resin & amyris. 1 fl oz Ingredients: grape seed oil infused with damiana², holy basil², mugwort*, stinging nettle*, rose*, juniper*, yarrow², alkanet root², lavender², dandelion*, essential oil blend, fragrance